
Liminal Interview #206 — Annette Shun Wah

“If I could do what I really wanted to do, I would have been a rock musician—but that wasn't very realistic for a Chinese girl.”


Liminal Interview #186 — Yvonne C Lam

“When food is flattened into a product of capitalism and not of culture is when diners eat a bowl of phở in an ersatz simulation of community togetherness without paying heed to the migrant hands that stirred their broth, picked their herbs and washed their bean sprouts. You can like ‘ethnic’ food and still be racist. The two are not mutually exclusive.”


Liminal Interview #170 — Kumi Taguchi

“Representation is everything. But it cannot be tokenistic. I know we will be making progress when I am asked to be on a panel about marathon running or sailing or creating meaningful content—not just about diversity or multiculturalism. It is happening. Just look at the success of Bridgerton.”

Read the full interview with Colin Ho here.


Liminal Interview #128 — Lee Tran Lam

“There are ways where I’m really protective about Asian culture: like when someone complained about MSG making them feel ill after going to a Vietnamese restaurant, I pointed out that MSG naturally occurs in cheese and tomatoes and the idea that MSG makes people sick is based on one very random letter in a journal decades ago.”

Read the full interview with Colin Ho here.